HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR EYES? YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE We realize how precious your eyesight is. Our Eye Clinic in malad is the very best for all the eye problems you have. Our Doctors have the right qualifications and experience to ensure we take the best care of your eyes. Raghu Kamal’s Super – Speciality Eye Hospital is committed to providing ethical, reliable, high-quality, and cost-effective healthcare services through care and compassion to ensure complete patient satisfaction. Our Eye Clinic in malad continuously strives to improve the quality of our health care services by adopting the latest technology and equipment to strengthen our medical processes and procedures to achieve the set objectives. Raghu Kamal’s Super – Speciality Eye Hospital is providing the highest quality healthcare in the eye specialist domain. Our Eye Clinic in malad is NABH pre-accredited eye hospital in Malad. There are specific quality benchmarks that are important for you to know about when selecting any clinic. At Raghu Kamal’s Super – Speciality Eye Hospital, we pay close attention to quality indicators, and as a result, we are confident that we provide our patients with the safest possible environment. We will get you moving again as quickly, safely, and painlessly as possible. WHY IS RAGHU KAMAL’S SUPER – SPECIALITY EYE HOSPITAL A GOOD CLINIC FOR YOU? 1. Qualified Doctors with lots of experience. 2. Clinic has latest technology equipment. 3. Doctors are approachable and reassuring. 4. We are strict about hygiene so we ensure you get the best possible treatment and environment at our clinic. 5. Doctors are available for emergencies. 6. NABH accredited Eye Hospital. (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programs for healthcare organizations.)